toronto based interviews and content with creators & positive members of the community

Where’d you grow up? Whats your story? If you weren’t born in the city – how’d you get here?

Born in the Dufferin & Lawrence area but have spent most of my life in East Mississauga. Come from an Italian background

Who or what got you into the scene?

Have been a fan of the underground for my whole life. I dressed up as Joey Ramone for Halloween in Grade 5. Always enjoyed interviews, rare moments, and being around good people. I have many influences and continue to be inspired by a lot of them.

What inspires/motivates you?

My main motivation comes from my curiosity of how far I can push myself and what I can create. I have learned that in order to achieve anything in life, I have to be my main motivator and put the time and actions in to make things work. At the end of the day, I just want to be true to myself and do things that I can be proud of.

What do you represent, why are you doing the things you’re doing?

I feel I only truly represent myself, but I do have a love of Toronto and want to help become a positive part of the city. To be able to provide resources and make cool things happen in the city is a large reason as to why I do the things I do.

What are your goals?

My goals are not based on material things or anything that can be quantified. My goals are to continue to grow Versatile Vigilante, but even more importantly, to grow as a person. I want to stay true to myself and not give in to social traps. I have morals and principles and these will help guide me through my life journey.

What are you proud of? Whats one of your biggest accomplishments

I am proud of where I have gotten at this point. I have met some amazing people and have learned a lot about myself in the process. My biggest accomplishment has been the recent “A Very Versatile Art Gallery.” Throwing an event has been a goal of mine for a long time, and I am super happy and grateful for the how the event turned out. It definitely is something I am proud of and will look back on fondly.

Do you have a quote or proverb that you live by? And maybe if you want, explain what it means to you and how resonates with you.

One day at a time.

This quote has really helped me to stay focused on the present and not get overwhelmed by things that have not even happened. Life can be so fast and it is important for me to take this moment by moment, as I can only live one day at a time, no matter what. Staying present and in the moment is something I work on and this quote has always been a nice reminder.   Another quote is “Never Panic.” I have learned that panic NEVER helps and always causes more problems. In any situation that causes stress, I think it is extremely important to take some time to gather composure and reflect on the situation. Making impulse decisions and panicking makes the situation far worse than it really is.

If you had the option to restart your life, what would you do different the next time around?

Absolutely nothing. So much has yet to be written, I would not change a thing.

If you could give any advice to your younger self what you would tell them?

Never panic and trust yourself. If not everyone understands what you are doing, that is their problem, not yours. Need to be true to yourself and understand what you are capable of.

Give yourself a plug (Events, Merch, etc. Promote yourself)

@VersatileVigilante on all platforms.

Anything else you want to add? Feedback? Shoutout? Recommendations?

Shoutout everyone that has supported Versatile Vigilante. Shoutout “Chrome Sunsets”. Shoutout everyone in Toronto doing their thing. Free Max B 2024

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