JaEk Delarge

Rapper SongwrIter Director

Where’d you grow up? Whats your story? If you weren’t born in the city – how’d you get here?

I was born & raised in the west end of Toronto, Jane and Finch to be exact. The housing development I called home no longer exists today due to gentrification. I moved around a few times, though, from J&F to Etobicoke, then from Etobicoke to Weston rd. This gave me a very large network and helped me learn how to manage relationships really well. A skill that would help keep me out of a lot of unnecessary issues coming up. I travelled frequently to NYC, and Jamaica early on and developed a wider understanding of culture and how it moves. How terminology and sounds are spread, how fashion trends are born and take off. Toronto was the lens that made everything make sense. Although the city was very much so on the outside looking in when it came to pop culture, I always saw how connected to everything we were. I never identified with the isolation we were experiencing on the world stage because we had the whole world here already. The city is way different now. There’s more togetherness, more outlets, and thanks to some of our more internationally recognized acts we’re respected on the global stage.

Who or what got you into the scene?

Music was always around but I fell in love with Hip Hop early. Both my older siblings had posters all over their walls, and had their own collection of tapes & cds. My brother was big on Nas, my sister loved DMX, my favourite rapper was Ma$e. The TVs in our house stayed on any channel that played rap. The moment that cemented it for me was the More Money More Problems video. It was a celebratory expression of life at the absolute top. There, you could win a PGA tournament, go flying in a wind tunnel, and walk away from random explosions in a shiny suit – all in the same afternoon. No limitation to what was possible. The total opposite of what an afternoon on my block was like. That’s what I wanted. I didn’t really care all that much about being a rapper per se but I figured if it was the skillset that could get me there then I should develop it – so I did.

What inspires/motivates you?

What inspires me is the fact that everything we see in the world today was at one point just an idea. What motivates me is the reality that I have an opportunity to create whatever I choose while I’m here.

What do you represent, why are you doing the things you’re doing?

The definition of Brilliant is “of light or colour, very bright.” That’s what I represent – a light, faith in something greater that we can all strive towards.

What are your goals?

My goal is freedom. The only limit for us is fear. That shows up in a lot of ways: The fear of loss, the fear of love, the fear that we won’t survive. I am after a life totally free of this limitation.

What are you proud of? Whats one of your biggest accomplishments

My collective, Just Over Brilliant, grew into a creative umbrella for other young and developing artists from the West. It facilitated the connecting of talent from places like Rexdale, Weston road, Jane street etc at a time where collaboration between many neighbourhoods wasn’t always possible. It’s been a little over a decade since it was first established but what I’m most proud of is getting to see artists who came up under that get to sign major record deals, win prestigious awards, and end up on covers of different publications.

Do you have a quote or proverb that you live by? And maybe if you want, explain what it means to you and how resonates with you.

This is what I would tell myself right before getting on stage or doing anything really important. It draws emphasis to the present moment where there is no turning back and no skipping ahead. There’s no more time to practice, no more time for theory, now it’s real. Regardless of whether you think you’re ready or not – you’re here.

If you had the option to restart your life, what would you do different the next time around?

I would’ve started investing earlier.

If you could give any advice to your younger self what you would tell them?

Keep going, you’re absolutely right.

Give yourself a plug (Events, Merch, etc. Promote yourself)

My next collection, “Return On Investment “ is done and will be available for purchase in 2024.

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