OZOKOH is a Toronto, Canada based street artist that focuses on mainly: illustrations, street art, multi media collages or whatever inspires him to push the boundaries. 

Where’d you grow up? Whats your story? If you weren’t born in the city – how’d you get here?

I grew up in Toronto, ON all my life. I’ve watched the city develop into what it is today. The skyline looked pretty bare and this city had character… Over the years, I’ve watched Toronto lose its touch with its identity which is pretty sad. 512 and PK is where I lived all my life but still have my love and hate towards both neighbourhoods.

Who or what got you into the scene?

Tod McFarland the creator of Spawn comic books got me into art. The front cover made me fall in love with graffiti. In my early years in elementary school, I was looking over my homies shoulder and saw him drawing graffiti; so my curious self asked “what are you drawing and can you teach me.”? With no hesitation he dropped knowledge on me about the graffiti game of the do’s and don’ts. From grade 7 the love for graffiti art birthed. My early teenage hood I would spend numerous hours at “The Bomb Shelter” (graffiti shop). I was in awe hearing graffiti artists stories and the early origins of how graffiti came about. I truly thank Zion @realtimezion and Jedi @jedskiplease who shaped my perspective on the game. My friends brother who was a graffiti writer introduced me to “Style and progress and 416” festival that focused on the 4 elements of hip hop. I saw first hand how productions (murals) started from scratch and the finish process. I knew from the get go that I was locked in for good. Those were my mentors and what got me into graffiti.

What inspires/motivates you?

New York, LA and Chicano graffiti culture has been my inspiration with style and flavour . Authentic but raw to the bone. What motivates me are amazing artist that are constant but dedicated to their craft. What also motivates me are my parents watching them struggle royally but still managed to pull through rough emotionally/finical times.

What do you represent, why are you doing the things you’re doing?

I stand by treating others how you want to be treated and keeping a small circle. Being mysterious always leaves the mind to wander. I’m a firm believer in manifestation and dreaming with your eyes open. I’m doing what I’m doing for several reasons: It’s my source of therapy I love making people engage in conversations about my artwork

What are your goals?

My goals are to become successful but realistically comfortable for more opportunities to land my way and also not being a sellout.

What are you proud of? Whats one of your biggest accomplishments

I’m proud how far my style has developed and landed me opportunities in art shows/outside sales. Also, how much it shaped my personality as a human at the end of the day.

Do you have a quote or proverb that you live by? And maybe if you want, explain what it means to you and how resonates with you.

Real recognize real.

I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.

Beauty within the madness.

Those 3 sayings resonate with me so much because they’re such powerful sayings that I live by day to day.

If you had the option to restart your life, what would you do different the next time around?

Stop listening to others opinions and trust your own instincts. Also, take the risk even if the fear is there. Don’t allow other people to use you as a doormat. Stand tall in what you believe in.

If you could give any advice to your younger self what you would tell them?

Choose your battles wisely. Keep a small circle. Try to learn acceptance and forgiveness instead of carrying that negative weight in you. Not everyone is going to like you, but that’s okay.

Any wild stories you want to share?

I can’t really share too much details but let’s say I ran a lot lol

Give yourself a plug (Events, Merch, etc. Promote yourself)

Follow my Instagram @office_supply_artist to find my artwork and merch I’ll be selling on that platform. Shout out to: @blacksmithcycle (solo art shows) @shesaidgallery (solo art shows) @skribbs (amazing human) @torontocollective (amazing graffiti store) @space.heaterrr (amazing human) @withgoodreasons (amazing human) @oblsk1 (amazing human) @rowdyradrat (amazing human) @just.jetr.away (amazing human) @takeotenn (amazing human) @versatilevigilante (amazing podcaster) My girlfriend My family I’m sorry if I can’t shout out everyone but if you’re in my life, you know who you are and I love you dearly from the bottom of my heart.

Anything else you want to add? Feedback? Shoutout? Recommendations?

Keep true to yourself and be patient because time is healing and it also answers questions. Thank you to all my supporters. I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for y’all.

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