My name is Jeff and I started Dōki Industries. Creating various things since 2019

Where’d you grow up? Whats your story? If you weren’t born in the city – how’d you get here?

I was born and raised in the north end of Scarborough. It was a true suburban upbringing. Grew up riding a bike everywhere. 

2005 – I had just moved back to Scarborough, but I still worked downtown. I had a working bike, and that got me to and from places until the winter months. 

Mid 2010 – Brought more riding, my first fix gear bike, alley cats, and new friends. 

2019 – I started Doki Industries with no real sense of direction but I knew that I didn’t want to limit myself to just one thing. So Doki has evolved over the years.

Who or what got you into the scene?

I worked for a number of years in a shipping department for a media company. Over that time, I became acquaintances with many couriers. Eventually, I found out about alleycat races and it was enough to me to want to test myself. I was living downtown and riding bikes everywhere. From bike races, to wanting to plan cycling charity events, working with other creators to make small batches of merchandise, leading me to start creating some cycling bags.  

What inspires/motivates you?

A lot of it is just wanting to try new things that I think people would like.  When I was hosting alleycat races, sure I wasn’t a courier, but I didn’t let that limit me. I just did my thing and people seem to enjoy it. So I kept doing it.   When it came to Cranksgiving, I had a some experience in the race part but not a lot in canvassing. I felt like an imposter at times.

Going into shops, saying “My name Jeff… you don’t know me and I don’t know you, but here is this charity event I’m putting on, and you should help donate”. It was a weird feeling. But working with Alex on Cranksgiving 1 and with a number of others on Cranksgiving 2, I feel like we did a lot of good, and raised a bit of money.   Once the lockdown hit, I turned my focus to what products could I make. My wife and I made masks for hospitals to start and ended up making my own.  The lockdown provided a lot of youtube watching, and I found myself watching a lot of bike packing videos and being intrigued. What I didn’t like was the cost of these bags. I found some template designs, and started from there.   

What do you represent, why are you doing the things you’re doing?

I like seeing people enjoying something I was involved in. The first Cranksgiving* I ran, finished at Fire Station 333 where we dropped all the food for Daily Bread donation. It was cool as they brought out the big truck and everyone was like kids again. Cranksgiving 2 was a bigger event. There were a ton of donations. Great race, tons of prizes, huge raffle, and a decent amount of money raised.  With bike bags, I enjoy talking with people about it and hearing feed back. Or just making what I want and putting it out there.   

*Cranksgiving is an alleycat that runs in multiple cities each year. For Cranksgiving Toronto there’s usually a component of collecting canned goods that end up getting donated to various charities.

What are your goals?

Ultimately, if I have done or put out something that I enjoyed and others enjoyed, then that was the goal. I’m not thinking this will become anything major. At this point, just due to scheduling, I’m only making a handful of bags a year. 

What are you proud of? Whats one of your biggest accomplishments

I would have to say Cranksgiving 2.  We had some major sponsors locally and internationally who donated prizes. We had fantastic participants who spent hard earning money on the race and raffle. And amazing talent who all came together and made a great day for everyone.  Other than that, every bag I’ve made, I’m proud of. 

Do you have a quote or proverb that you live by? And maybe if you want, explain what it means to you and how resonates with you.

There is nothing specific. Be a good person. Treat others as you would like to be treated. I have learned a lot about myself in the last few as a new parent.  Although…

“Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing” by Ron Swanson is a good one. 

If you had the option to restart your life, what would you do different the next time around?

I don’t think I would. The things you do in life, the places you go, people you see, experiences you have; these are the things that make you, you. A person needs to experience the highs and lows, and let it shape them. And hopefully come out the end relatively unscathed. 

If you could give any advice to your younger self what you would tell them?

I would tell them to start doing the “Disney Hug”. Disney has a rule with all of it cast member at theme parks, where when giving/receiving a hug from someone, they are not allowed to let go first.  We all just need more love in our lives. And sometimes, a hug can do that.   

Give yourself a plug (Events, Merch, etc. Promote yourself)

Instagram: @doki_industries
Facebook: Doki Industries

Anything else you want to add? Feedback? Shoutout? Recommendations?

I am forever thankful to my wife who has supported me though all ups and downs that Doki has been through.  

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